24th February, 2022

Anti-cycling weather continues un-interrupted, with high winds and wintry showers. Looks like another day on the spin bike.

The Spin rotine is settling down at 1 hour at a heart rate averaging 105 beats per minute. That’s about 80% of my maximum (using 220 – age). Hopefully, this is keeping my general fitness level up for when outside cycling become possible.

One problem exercising the mind at present is keeping the e-bike battery above the minimum recommended of 10 degress Centigrade; some sites reckon 5 deg C should be ok. Anyway, the temperature in the garage, where the bike is kept, is usually too low. In fact is is usually colder than the fridge. So I bought a reptile heater of 40 watts. With this under the battery and a little tent made with towels, the temperature can be kept between 5 and 10 C. Overnight I bring the bike into the scullery, which is warm enough. The battery is holding it’s charge, so I assume all is well. As always mowadays, there is an app for monitoring the battery charge level, as well as all sorts of other data, whci I haven’t used yet.

My web-site advisor, Fred Booker, is looking into designing another site to move away from the “oldest to cycle LEJoG” theme of this one. We can leave this one as a record for posterity. .

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