Blogging Again, February 22nd, 2022

After a long period lying fallow, this blog is becoming alive again. The intention is to report on my latest cycling and keeping fit exploits. But first to fill in some of the missing time. About a year after riding the second LEJoG, in November, 2019, I moved to Ulverston in the South Lakes. Leaving Darlington after 40 years was quite hard and I especially missed Darlington Cycling Club. However, it was new territory, much hillier than the Darlington area, and it was very enjoyable exploring new routes, even by myself. The Covid shutdowns were quite pleasant for cycling, with much less motor traffic and a particularly nice route by the side of Coniston was closed to traffic. So, I maintained reasonable fitness although doing much shorter routes than before (30 to 50 km, rather than 80 to 100km) – the additional climbing required in South Lakeland was quite good for the climbing legs/lungs. I now have an electric bike, a Ribble SLe, and learing to operate this new toy. Fears of losing fitness, even when helped by a electric drive, have been dispelled – you can put in as much effort as you wish and go faster!!

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